From Hogwarts to Broadway: Daniel Radcliffe...
You spent a majority of your childhood and early adulthood on the set with him the greatest stage actors in the world, today encourage you to do stage. Daniel Radcliffe said: I’m no more like I don’t think it took much encouraging. I’m I would always be asking them about you know that any great in that you know actors you know that second rarest or tell us a little bit round telling stories about things they watch on years ago and so you know I love to allow I did get advice on I’m state UT Gary Oldman gonna how well, which is about the I hated by there is no I’d like you just do it...
Action News: Forbidden Broadway; aired Dec. 04, 2012...
Well if you’re looking for some light-hearted fun this holiday season make plans to visit Peter Jacksonville Forbidden Broadway is on stage right now, Action News Tracy Collins has a peek at what you can expect. It’s a little theater with the big boys and this weekend they’ll be poking a little fun at the Big Apple. Forbidden Broadway open Friday to standing out some people on their feet immediately during the bows, if a musical revue that pushed in the third planet from the musical hits there’s an aged out Anne I’m 30 years old tomorrow. She’s a little better and an uninformed Carol Channing, Carol does not really watched in you very much. She say I...
Gregg Barnes Reveals the Magic Behind “Aladdin”‘s Eye-Popping Costumes...
I’m Gregg Barnes and I’m the costume designer for Disney’s Aladdin on broadway, the story to Aladdin in takes place in the fictional city Agraba and it’s a place where in our imagination. It is like on the spice route, so all cultures converge in this place and we get to meet people in the marketplace, we get to meet people in a fabulous palace. So that it has we have the high, we have the lower and everything in between we used orientalism which is a Victorian a genre, we used a modern imagery, we look at the Cotton Club it harlem. So it’s span literally ancient sort of a research up until really today, we look...
Inside Todd Robbins’ Lair
BroadwayWorld was recently invited into Robbins’ lair backstage at Play Dead. To check out the tour,...

Drama Desk Nomination
The only play that kills its audience is now nominated for the Drama Desk’s “Unique Theatrical Experience” Award! PLAY DEAD would like to thank all the fans who died to make this...